Nicolò CarpignoliinChialab Open SourceWhat’s new about Web AR in 2022A very-personal brief technology state of the art for Web AR in 2022, mostly for Open Source technologies.Jan 18, 20222Jan 18, 20222
Nicolò CarpignoliinChialab Open SourceAugmented Reality on the Web with Model ViewerA tale of our team building a Web AR experience using Google’s Model Viewer.Oct 13, 20203Oct 13, 20203
Nicolò CarpignoliinChialab Open SourcePer chi Aumentiamo la Realtà?Una riflessione sulle numerose applicazioni in Realtà Aumentata e il loro reale impatto sugli utenti.Apr 7, 2020Apr 7, 2020
Nicolò CarpignoliinChialab Open SourceWe should build something really useful with ARSome thoughts about AR applications and their real impact on user needs.Mar 29, 20201Mar 29, 20201
Nicolò CarpignoliinChialab Open SourceIntroducing AR.js 3New features, a new Github organisation and a new Documentation. All that you need to know about AR.js 3.Mar 15, 20206Mar 15, 20206
Nicolò CarpignoliAR.js Studio — A Call to Arms for the first Open Source Web AR Authoring Platform.AR.js Studio is designed to build Web AR experiences for free, without coding. A Web App to create Web AR apps, and remove the barrier of…Feb 10, 20202Feb 10, 20202
Nicolò CarpignoliinThe StartupBuild Your Location-Based Augmented Reality Web AppA tutorial for building Location-Based Augmented Reality apps that run on every browser, without any installation on your phone. For free.Dec 3, 20197Dec 3, 20197
Nicolò CarpignoliinChialab Open SourceBuild your Location-Based Augmented Reality Web AppA tutorial for building Location-Based Augmented Reality apps that run on every browser, without any installation on your phone. For free.Nov 15, 20196Nov 15, 20196
Nicolò CarpignoliinChialab Open SourceLocation Based (GPS) Augmented Reality on the WebGeoAR.js is a free, lightweight library which brings Location Based Augmented Reality on the Web, using your phone GPS sensors. Let’s see…Sep 17, 20198Sep 17, 20198
Nicolò CarpignoliinChialab Open SourceDon’t Call it AccessibilityMyths and misconceptions in the design of accessible digital products.May 20, 2019May 20, 2019